the other ones - configuration wizard the other ones
We've provided you with this easy to walk-through configuration wizard to make sure you've got all the tools you need to enjoy this event and the promo music we put on this site.

We're going to walk you through each program and configuration that you'll need, one at a time. If you browse the web often, you may discover that you are already set up and will breeze right through this wizard in no time. If not, get a nice glass of your favorite drink, relax, and take your time. Downloading certain applications can take a long time (sometimes even up to an hour on a slow dialup connection), so feel free to take a break and run outside rather than sitting and staring at that "2% downloaded" message.

The Browser

To start you off, we're going to cover the application you are using to view this very web page. The most common browsers are Netscape Navigator or Communicator (Netscape) and Microsoft's Internet Explorer (MSIE). If you are on AOL, you probably are using the version of MSIE which is included in the AOL software. You can usually easily determine which one your using by Netscape's logo (a stylized "N") or the MSIE spinning globe in the top right hand corner of the window.

Each browser has many versions (3.0, 4.0, etc) available as they continue to add new features and release new versions. We recommend you use the latest version so that you can take advantage of all the latest features.

Test & Download
We'll determine what browser (and version) you are running and if it looks like you need to upgrade (download and install a new version), a new window will automatically open to the correct location. If nothing happens when you click the link below, your browser is definitely too old and you should click here to download a new one.

Ok, Test & Download!

Still having problems? Drop us a note with this form and we'll see what we can do!

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